오민 (교수)
1. 실험실 : 공정시스템연구실(Process Systems Engineering, PSE)
2. 연구분야 :
공정 설계 및 최적화
인공지능의 화학공정 응용(머신러닝)
수소 에너지 생산, 저장 공정 개발
화학공정의 Digital transformation (Digital twin, 가상 및 증강현실)
3. 대표 연구 실적
① 2020 주요 논문
"Dynamic-model-based artificial neural network for H2 recovery and CO2 capture from hydrogen tail gas", Applied Energy
"Predicting SOx-NOx emissions of a coal-fired CFB power plant with deep neural network and least square support vector machine using operational data", Applied Energy
"Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Combustion of Aluminized Solid Propellant With HMX and GAP Using Moving Boundary Approach", Combustion and Flame
“CFD Simulation of a Multi Packed bed Industrial MEA Absorber with Interbed Liquid Distributors", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
② 2019 주요 논문
"Performance analysis and carbon reduction assessment of an integrated syngas purification process for the co-production of hydrogen and power in an integrated gasification combined cycle plant", Energy
"CFD simulation of combustion and extinguishment of solid propellant by fast depressurization", Korean Society of Propulsion Engineering
"Performance analysis for mask filter using CFD simulation", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
"Hydrodesulfurization via heat exchanger network synthesis for Ultra-Low-Sulfur diesel", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
"Design of high-efficient divided wall distillation columns for propane and butane separation", The Korean Hydrogen & New Energy Society
"Software package for pipe hydraulic calculation for single and two phase model", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
"Combined approach using mathematical modelling and artificial neural network for chemical industries: Steam methane reformer", Applied Energy
"Software platform for computation fluid dynamics simulation of mixing and crystallization in a stirred vessel", Crystal Growth & Design
- 최근 5년간 국내외 학술지 33편 (SCI 급 27편 포함), 연구과제 13 건
- PSE Model-Based Innovation Prize (2015, 아시아 최초 수상, 연구원 공동 수상)
- 협력 연구기관 : KAIST(PSE lab), Yonsei University(Separation and Purification, PSE lab)
- 자세한 사항은 홈페이지 참고